
Photosynthesis Equation



(IMAGE ABOVE)  My students have to learn the photosynthesis equation.  So you can see that I created two activities to help them achieve this.



(IMAGE ABOVE)  My first activity is a foldable.



(IMAGE ABOVE) When students open the flaps, you will see the equation in words.  I had my students also write in the reactants and products.



(IMAGE ABOVE)  When students open the flaps again, you will see the symbols representing the equation now.



(IMAGE ABOVE)  This is my second activity.  It has students answer a few questions regarding photosynthesis and then complete the equation in terms of words and symbols.



(IMAGE ABOVE)  When I have my students do this second activity, I have the students do it in pairs.  One student would receive the answer key (the white sheet) and the other student would receive the blue sheet with the yellow pieces.  The student with the answer key would guide the student doing the activity.  If the student put down one of the wrong pieces then the student with the answer key would tell him/her it is wrong and give him/her a hint to correct their mistake. Great for EL students!


You can buy this activity from my TPT store by clicking here.