Macromolecules is a hard topic for many students to comprehend. So I wanted to add a little FUN into this difficult topic to teach. In the classroom, we usually teach students about the 4 types of macromolecules that are found in living organisms.
The four types of MACROmolecules are:

(1) lipid, (2) nucleic acids, (3) proteins, & (4) carbohydrates
So I created these macromolecules but added a little personality to them to help students recall them. Check them out in this youtube video below.
Now you can build these macromolecule characters with your students. This product is available in my TPT store.
Students will cut out the basic units or monomers for each type of macromolecule and then combine them to create the four types of macromolecules.
If you are absent a school day, you could have your students conduct this activity without you. You could have them watch the youtube video with these characters, and then have them build them afterwards. So many possibilities! I usually lecture myself while students listen and build the macromolecules.
This activity also comes with a partner share activity. For this activity, one student is called Partner A and the other student is called Partner B.
For Side 1 of the activity,
- Partner A – has no answers & is completing the worksheet with Partner B’s help
- Partner B – has answers & is coaching/helping partner A so he could complete the worksheet
This activity requires students to use academic language and to talk to each other to complete the activity.
For Side 2 of the activity, now
- Partner A – has the answers now so it is his turn to coach/help partner B complete the worksheet
- Partner B – has no answers & is completing the worksheet with Partner A’s help
Hopefully you get the idea now. Partners take turns guiding each other. This is a great activity for a day of observation because students are using academic language. This would be great if you were being observed or had instructional rounds coming to your classroom that day.
If you would like to purchase my activity, you can click here to purchase it. Thanks!